Why, Kelly, Why?!? {MY take on lifestyle photography for newborns...}

Careful y’all, I get fired up over this one!!!!

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One of the reasons i love to shoot my Concierge Sessions for newborns is that they are done IN YOUR HOME, and are completely customizable!

So many people ask me:

“why don’t you have a studio?”

“ Is it too expensive for you?”

“Every ‘real’ photographer has a studio space.”

And i proudly answer HECK NO!

I had someone basically attack me (okay, verbally of course- I don't live in a 80's gang movie) and determine that I wasn't a "real" photographer yesterday. Their reason: I didn't keep a studio space.

OOOOhhhh, that got my blood boiling right quick, let me tell you!

However, it did get me thinking: that person was so blind to the goal of my business, that they couldn't see why I was doing what I was doing!

My message today is quick and simple: STOP asking BLIND people to proofread your vision.

Whatever it is that you are doing or want to be doing, don't look around for comparisons. Don't seek the approval of people that "just don't get it". Don't allow your spark and your brilliance to be dampened by those that can't see your vision for your life.

This applies to ALL aspects of life, not just business.

To those people who question WHY you dare to go out shopping in the midst of a pandemic-

To those people who JUDGE you because you STAY HOME-

To those people who call you "less than" because you have different viewpoints-

I say... you have no right to proofread my life when you are blind to my vision of it!

For those of you that are still reading, here’s my reasoning:

** I prefer “lifestyle” which is gently posed, REAL life photography done in your environment- not a stark and foreign studio.

** I capture the STORY of your life by being in your home, with the things you love.

** Your baby stays secure and snug, there is no change in their routine or exposure to outside germs for those mamas that believe in “cocooning” after birth.

** They are SO peaceful and such a great experience for the brand new exhausted parents, it’s worth the travel on my end!

** It saves YOU money because i am not charging for rent and utilities and set ups and millions of props (which is VERY common) and it keeps my overhead down.

** It enables me to build a business I LOVE and continue working from home

** It gives me a challenge to work in a new space, with new elements, and new design every time!

I could list more but those are the primary reasons that I love doing these!!!

I am working on a movement to get more photographers to embrace this philosophy because it is SO much better for our clients and their family stories

Love to you all,


#kellygogginphotography #lifestylenewbornphotography #kgpconciergenewborns #kgpfeature

Kelly Photography