the {Watkins} family

“When you stop looking at people’s faces and start looking at their hearts, L I F E becomes clear.”

~ Unknown


This quote has stuck with me and played on repeat in my mind since i heard it a week ago.... here’s why:

When you are a photographer, it is SO easy to get caught up on labels and perfection. To feel like your work sucks because you don’t have:

-the cutest baby

- prettiest model

- oh that image sucks because his eyes are closed

- oh none of these are what my clients want because none of them are looking at the camera....

But i gotta tell you, once i started shooting for people’s HEARTS and family STORIES- my entire business thought process changed.

I no longer pick my images based on everyone smiling and having a good time- most of the time, i don’t even put people’s faces in my photos... i am longing to tell their STORY, not their SMILE.

Blanket from: @happyhenvintageshop

The Watkins family literally STOLE my heart… It was such a breath of fresh air to spend time with them, dancing in the rain.


Live joyfully... (2).png

Kelly Photography