Let's not compare...

“Comparison is the thief of all joy”

T. Roosevelt


Good morning lovely friends!!! THIS quote literally lives on my editing desktop and I see it every day... WHY?

As an artist, wife, daughter, homeowner, girl, and just straight up HUMAN~ the tendency to compare ourselves is ingrained, seemingly from birth. There are days when I can't shut off the "compare" function of my psyche. Here's an example of my thoughts as I scroll through Instagram:

Why is she so much prettier than me?

I have money too- why don't we have a HUGE "Gram worthy" home?

Why can't I get MY kids to behave like theirs?

Is my work as good as theirs?

How come she gets so much engagement?

Why are HER images so much more beautiful than mine?

I am being very vulnerable here my loves, because I KNOW if I were able to peek into your brains I would see the same thing- the questions may differ, but the need to compare ourselves lives in E V E R Y O N E.

While at coffee with a lovely friend yesterday, I was struck by our mutual natures of comparison- it has become such a habit for 99% of us that we don't even question it anymore- we allow it to run our self esteem and our lives.


Just because someone's rainbow is shiny doesn't make yours any duller! You know the craziest part? YOU are most likely someone else's "comparison target" as well....

I want to work at being truly contented with:


because that is MY path in this world. That is exactly where and how my heavenly father put me for my work on earth. Who am I to question and constantly look over at other people's journeys and LONG for them to be my own?

THIS IS YOUR REMINDER, dear friend: DON'T compare the start of your journey to someone else's middle. YOU are doing what you need to, where you need to, and how you need to...keep going and gaze at the skies, not the sides.

I love you all, and if you made it to the end~ you deserve a BIG hug <3

Love always,


Kelly Photography