5 Tips for the PERFECT family session

“Darling, a beautiful thing is NEVER perfect.”

Hey my lovely friends!

If you are reading this post, chances are you have a family photo session coming up.


You have taken the first step in creating memories for you and your family that will stand the test of time. I have been in love with families for the entirety of my career. There is something so wonderful about spending time with my clients, playing and getting to know their family stories…. Ugh- I could go on and on forever. But that’s not why YOU’RE here! You want to learn how to prepare for the perfect family session… Let’s do this!

{CYA Portion: Just like the perfect lip gloss, these tips will not be universal. Some may work for you, others won’t. These are based on my workflow as a photographer, and the experience I hope every one of my clients will have with me in front of my lens! Use what you need…}

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In this scenario, we are going to assume you have already chosen outfits, locations, and your dream photographer. If that’s not the case, check out these links for help there too:



Tip # 1

Get your facts straight!

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DAYS before you get into your car, you need to know where you’re going, what to wear, and when to be there. If your photographer does not provide this or confirm with you, be proactive! Most of the time, you will be in a rush to meet your photographer {it’s real life, it happens…} so be sure you have ALL the facts straight ahead of time. A lot of stress and panic can be cut out by simply collecting all the important stuff a few days ahead of time. Search the location, find directions, inform your significant other of the plans… ya know- prep ;-)

Tip # 2

FEED the natives…

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Believe me, you will be glad you did. Before you get your little darlings dressed up, feed and potty them- well. Children will be asked to do things out of the normal, possibly stand still in hot weather with bugs, sand, itchy grass… I have found 100% of the time this can be eased by them having full and happy bellies. Your husband will be happier, your children will be more compliant, and you will be smiling the whole session instead of begging and pleading with your little ones for “one more


Don’t let the rushed timeline force you to miss this step, it is probably my most important one!

Tip # 3

Pack a Bag

Most photographers will bring along everything they need for the session, and often things you will need as well. I like to take all the stress away from my families so I bring along most of these things. However, on the off chance that your photographer doesn’t… Do yourself a HUGE favor, grab your most rugged diaper bag or tote and fill it with these MUST have things:

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~ Water

~Extra binky or comfort animal

~Bubbles {trust me}

~ Hairbrush/lipgloss

~Bug spray (for spring/summer sessions)

~ Bribe gummies ( no chocolate, it’ll mess up their pretty smiles)

~ Tissues (mamas usually need this at some point in our sessions ;-)

~Hand Sanitizer/ Wipes(you never know what they’ll find in that pretty field!)

Tip #4

Relax… no seriously relax.

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In the car, on the way to your session you will probably be feeling a lot of emotions: excitement, nerves, worry… IF your photographer is worth their salt (which I’ll bet they are!) they will remind you to RELAX and enjoy the process. The entire reason you are taking photos is to remember your happy, beautiful faces. How can you do that if you just finished snapping at your husband or threatening your children for their “good behavior” ? Let me let you in on a trade secret: We don’t mind kids with their own minds. I actually prefer it. Your kids will be fine and even if they’re not? Your photographer will still (usually) be able to capture the in-betweens and turn them into magic.

If NONE of these reasons helps- here’s my last attempt: Stress shows on your face and in your body language in your images. Being tense or uncomfortable will translate into your poses and NO-ONE wants that, least of all us ;-)

Tip #5

STAY in the moment…

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Try your best and stay in the moment at the session. Be ALL there, be PRESENT. When your daughter wants to run to you and give you a hug, throw yourself into it. Pick up your baby when you sense they’re getting upset. Close your eyes and enjoy when your husband kisses your cheek or plays with your energetic toddler. My favorite clients have been the ones who can shut off the world around them, and really engage in their family. Don’t worry about posing as much as connecting. It will translate to beautiful, heart wrenching images… not just forced smiles ;-) After all, this is an experience~ don’t we want it to be something you remember every time you look at your shots? If you feel stressed out or worried about something during the session, stop and BREATHE. Take 2-3 big breaths, smile and realize you got this ;-) You (and the photographer) will be so glad you can do this. Most family photographers are VERY flexible and can pose you beautifully in MANY different ways so if your children (or darling hubby) don’t want to go along with a certain pose, embrace what happens instead.

Some of my best art has happened because of grumpy toddlers or appeasing a ten month old who JUST decided she wanted nothing to do with her daddy.

That’s it my friends… easy as pie! Follow those quick and simple steps and you will ROCK your next family session.

IF you loved what you read, stay close because this is the SECOND post in a series called “How to Be the Ideal Client” . We will cover many more topics such as:

~ How to plan for success in your session

~ How to communicate your desires perfectly

~ How to style your family

~ How to impress your photographer

~ What to do with your art in your home

and so on. Thanks for hanging with me ;-) I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this! If you have any follow up questions, or need help… email me!

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Kelly Photography